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2009-09-22 11:24:12  作者:  来源:网络  浏览次数:1567  文字大小:【】【】【


1. 自觉遵守中国政府有关的法令和规定,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯,维护和增进各国人民之间的友谊。

2. 自觉遵守《bet365备用网址器外国留学生管理办法暨来华留学生守则》。

3. 自觉遵守学校的各项规章制度。按时缴纳学费;努力学习,认真完成学习任务。

4. 尊重教师和学校的工作人员。同学间相互尊重,团结友好。

5. 自觉遵守学习纪律,按时上课,不得旷课、迟到和早退。

6. 学风端正,举止文明。锻炼身体,讲究卫生,遵守学校有关外国留学生相关管理规定,购买个人医疗保险。

7. 自觉维护文明校园环境,爱护公物,损坏赔偿,保持学校正常生活秩序和学习秩序。

8. 自觉遵守《bet365备用网址器留学生宿舍管理办法》,服从宿舍楼管理人员的安排,按指定房间住宿,不得私自调换或强占房间。


留学生签字                                  bet365备用网址器国际教育学院

200996                                200996

Undertaking Studying at the School for Jiaozuo University foreign Students

In order to standardize the management of the foreign students, so that students can learn and complete the study task successfully, we develop the following terms according to state laws, regulations and management rules related to our school.

1.      Consciously abide by Chinese laws and regulations of government, respect the customs of the Chinese people to safeguard and promote friendship among peoples.

2.      Conscientiously abide by the "Jiaozuo University foreign students-cum-management methods Code of Practice for foreign students".

3.      Consciously abide by the school rules and regulations. pay tuition fees in due timeTo study hard and conscientiously complete the learning tasks.

4.      Respect for teachers and school staff. Students should mutual respect, solidarity and friendly.

5.      Conscientiously abide by learning discipline, time and class, not absenteeism, late and leave early.

6.      Correct style of study, and civilized behavior. Physical exercise, pay attention to hygiene, compliance with school-related regulations on foreign students to purchase individual health insurance.

7.  Consciously maintaining civil school environment, caring for public property, damage compensation, maintain a normal school life and study order.

8.  Students should conscientiously abide by the "Jiaozuo University student dormitory management measures"; obey the arrangements according to the dormitory management, no exchange or seize of private room.

Note: Any violation of the above requirements will be willing to accept the appropriate punishment by Jiaozuo University.


Foreign Student Signature                      School of International Education, JZU

发布员:gjjy  责任编辑:gjjy




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